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Pampered Wedding Shower

8 Oct

Pamper shower 3 Pamper shower 4

I was invited to a “pampered’ wedding shower a few months ago and thought that theme was such a cute idea!  Then I had to think of what ‘pampered’ meant to me!

So apparently pampered means vodka, a traveler mug, bath salts, coconut lotion, a face mask, chocolate and a nail file.  Loved putting this gift together!  Oh, also, I am obsessed with bins, so I put it in a bin!


Baby Girl’s First Bday

28 Jul

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My tiniest baby turned 1!

Obviously, I did a lot of pink along with a touch of a flamingo theme.  Pink solo cups for our keg of beer in a pink bucket!  Pink flamingo’s in the yard as well as a giant flamingo balloon attached to Emory’s highchair.  My aunt brought over pink dahlia’s from her garden for a few arrangements and we coated as much as we could in pink party table cloths from Target and Party City.  I made a round tiny white cake, so the cake mess would be white instead of brown chocolate, and coated it in pink sprinkles.

Photo’s above done by the amazing Lance Mercer


I also cut the letters of her name out of card board, painted them in glue and covered them in white glitter as you can see below.  So easy and fun!

Em sign 1 Em sign 2 Em sign 3


Entrance arch way decorations below.  Just a simple table cloth from Party City, a lovely paper garland sewn and various Target poofs.

Arch way table cloth


Emory’s head band was purchased from a cute Etsy shop called “BagsnBerries.”


My Latest DIY’s

18 Feb

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For Valentines Day, I traced my 3 year old son’s hands, which took about an hour to get him to hold still, and sent off to family members.  I positioned his hands so that there was a heart in the middle and had him embellish them with heart stickers.  My son loved putting stickers on and ‘helping!’  Happy late Vday y’all!


My 2nd project was making tissue paper tassel garland.  They are super simple to make and look really cute under my daughters mermaid wall sticker above her crib!  She needed some white on that dark gray wall.

Here is a great tutorial on how to make them from HGTV:


Quick Cute Fall Decoration

6 Nov





Ross Moss final


I wanted a cute quick fall decoration and here it is!  My husband was out mushroom picking and found me some bright green moss and white-ish rocks.  I washed up the rocks, and tossed the moss on top!  Perfect for fall!  I might just put it on the table for Thanksgiving?

Happy Fall!


22 Aug

JustFab shoes- August


Do you see these adorable shoes?!  I just got them for $25 on JustFab!  Not $25 each, $25 total!  JustFab is an amazing site with TONS of deals on shoes, handbags, jeans, accessories and more!  They are constantly sending me credits, coupons and sale emails.  I have even purchased skinny jeans from them that fit great!  I am in love with my two new pair of shoes above and cant wait to rock them!

Use my personal invite link to set up a free account and start shopping!


Ugg Wedge

20 Aug

Ugg wedge

Yes, you read that right, these are Ugg brand!  And I could literally run in these they are so comfy!  I bought them and have wore the heck out of them all summer to various weddings and events and they are so squishy and comfy!  I highly suggest that you get yourself some of these next spring/summer!


Use a Map as Gift Wrap!

10 Mar


I used a map to wrap my girlfriends baby shower gift and put a heart right by Australia cause that’s where daddy is from. Maps as gift wrap are super fun!